Pegasus' aquatic therapists hold specialty certificates through the Aquatic Therapy and Rehab Institute.
Aquatic Therapy is a skilled treatment method used by occupational therapists and physical therapists to enhance a child's functional abilities. The pool is a natural environment and there are opportunities to use the dressing/ undressing, showering, and toileting before and after for ADL practice. Therapists can take advantage of hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy, and water resistance to build particular muscle or sensory systems. Water is great for regulation and because it's fun, engagement and carry over are easier for parents outside of treatment sessions.
Aquatic Therapy is a skilled treatment method used by occupational therapists and physical therapists to enhance a child's functional abilities. The pool is a natural environment and there are opportunities to use the dressing/ undressing, showering, and toileting before and after for ADL practice. Therapists can take advantage of hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy, and water resistance to build particular muscle or sensory systems. Water is great for regulation and because it's fun, engagement and carry over are easier for parents outside of treatment sessions.