Motor Masterclass

Don't have time for the full Building Blocks for Babies series? Sign up for our two week virtual masterclass to work on a specific skill set. You will log into two live hour long classes where we teach foundational skills to help you take your child to the next level in a playful environment.
Sitting Masterclass
Crawling Masterclass
Walking Masterclass:
Motor Masterclasses are not covered by insurance and will cost $90 for the 2 series class. Parents will not be reimbursed for classes missed. Motor Masterclass welcomes both mothers, fathers, and/or other caregivers to participate with their child. Classes are co-taught by Alli Rei, Physical Therapist and Amy Seymore, Occupational Therapist. This series is not intended to replace PT or OT. Insurance will not cover this course. This is a wellness service, meant to educate parents, not a therapy service even though it is taught by occupational and physical therapist. Information provided is meant for educational purposes only.
Sitting Masterclass
- Covers the foundational movements and motor patterns your child should master before considering baby led weaning.
- email [email protected] to be placed on the waitlist
Crawling Masterclass
- email [email protected] to be placed on the waitlist
Walking Masterclass:
- email [email protected] to be placed on the waitlist
Motor Masterclasses are not covered by insurance and will cost $90 for the 2 series class. Parents will not be reimbursed for classes missed. Motor Masterclass welcomes both mothers, fathers, and/or other caregivers to participate with their child. Classes are co-taught by Alli Rei, Physical Therapist and Amy Seymore, Occupational Therapist. This series is not intended to replace PT or OT. Insurance will not cover this course. This is a wellness service, meant to educate parents, not a therapy service even though it is taught by occupational and physical therapist. Information provided is meant for educational purposes only.
Photo by Jordan Rowland on Unsplash